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1.2   若您是未满18周岁的未成年人(特别是未满14周岁的儿童),您需要在监护人的陪同下阅读本政策。我们加粗标记了未成年人(特别是未满14周岁的儿童)个人信息的相关条款,请您和监护人务必仔细阅读。未成年用户在取得监护人对本政策的同意后,方可使用我们服务。



2.1   我们依据法律法规、遵循正当、合法、必要的原则,按照如下方式收集您在使用服务时主动提供的或因为使用服务而产生的信息,用以向您提供、优化我们的服务及保护您的账号安全。 如果我们有意愿将您的个人信息用于本隐私政策未载明的其它用途,我们会以合理的方式告知您,并在使用前再次征得您的同意。

2.2   我们收集和使用您的个人信息类型包括两种:第一种:我们服务的核心功能所必需的信息,此类信息为服务正常运行的必备信息,建议您授权我们收集。如您拒绝提供,您将无法正常使用我们的服务;第二种:附加服务可能需要收集的信息,此类信息为非核心功能所需的信息,您可以选择是否授权我们收集。如您拒绝提供,将导致对应的附加服务无法正常向您提供。

2.3   通常情况下,我们会在以下场景中收集和使用您的个人信息:

2.3.1 用户注册、登录或认证、主题畅聊     您注册或登录我们的账号时,需要完成注册或登录程序。您需要向我们提供手机号码、姓名和身份证,并创建您的账号、用户名(昵称)及密码,在登录时需要用真实姓名和身份证进行实名认证。您只有提供真实准确的上述信息,才能成功注册账号并使用产品/服务的核心功能。如果您选择不提供上述为实现核心产品功能的必备信息,或将导致我们无法为您提供该核心产品功能。     在您使用主题畅聊时,您需要向我们提供手机麦克风权限,我们在您参与畅聊时需要进行录音,才能使用完整的主题畅聊功能。如果您选择不提供上述为实现核心产品功能的录音权限,或将导致我们无法为您提供该核心产品功能。     在您使用版本更新功能时,您需要向我们提供设备Uuid和AndroidId,来作为设备的唯一属性传输给服务器进行记录和判断。


2.3.2 使用服务     在您使用我们服务过程中,我们将基于以下目的收集您的日志信息、设备信息,具体的收集目的及收集种类如下:     当您使用我们服务时,我们会收集您的日志信息登录日志、操作信息、好友信息及互动记录、登录账号、ID、搜索查询内容、IP地址、浏览器的类型、电信运营商、网络环境、使用的语言、访问日期和时间及您访问的网页浏览记录、刷新记录、发布记录、关注、收藏及分享。上述信息同时会用于运营统计分析、客服投诉处理、反作弊分析,以及体验优化提升。     为保障您正常使用我们的服务,维护APP基础功能的正常运行,提升体验和保障账号安全,我们会接收并记录您所使用的设备信息:设备名称、设备类型和版本、设备识别符(如IMEIIMSIAndroid IDOAIDGUIDIDFAIDFV)、系统版本、IP地址、应用ID、网络类型、传感器信息、WiFi 信息(含 WiFi 列表、BSSIDSSIDMAC 地址)。    您在使用我们的服务时,若您想分享您喜欢的内容至第三方App或进行登录、充值时,我们需要判断是否安装了第三方App,以便为您提供正确的功能,因此我们会读取已安装应用列表,用于判断第三方APP是否已安装在您的设备上或为您提供登录及充值服务。     我们可能会根据移动设备系统差异分别收集、储存和使用下列信息,iOS系统:设备启动时间(秒)、国家、语言、设备名称(MD5)、系统版本、设备machine、运营商、物理内存、硬盘、系统更新时间(秒)、设备model、时区、mnt_id、设备初始化时间,来识别广告投放效果

2.3.3 充值和消费


2.3.4 交流与互动     在您授权同意后,我们会收集您的地理位置信息,用于寻找附近的用户。地理位置信息属于敏感信息,拒绝提供该信息不影响您正常使用我们服务的主要功能,您也可以随时取消您的地理位置信息授权。     您在使用我们服务的过程中,通过文字、图片、语音、视频及其他方式发布信息或与其他玩家进行互动时,我们可能会收集您发送的上述信息内容,用于对色情、暴力、政治、辱骂、恶意广告等不当内容进行过滤和监测,维护健康的上网环境。

2.3.5 交付商品或服务


2.3.6 客户服务 如果您联系我们的客服,为了您的账号与系统安全,我们可能需要您提供必要的个人信息进行身份验证,我们将尽可能采取技术和管理措施保障您的信息安全,并仅在必要范围内使用。我们还可能会保存您的姓名、手机号码、电子邮箱或其他联系方式、您与我们的沟通内容(包括文字/图片/音视频/通话记录形式)和与您需求相关联的其他必要信息,以便为您提供客户服务。我们收集这些信息是为了调查事实与帮助您解决问题,如您拒绝提供上述信息,我们可能无法向您及时反馈投诉、申诉或咨询结果。 为了更好地了解客户需求、优化服务,我们的客服人员可能会通过电话、QQ、微信等形式联系您,了解产品使用情况、询问您的使用意见或进行某类活动的回访。我们也可能通过短信、电子邮件等形式向您发送生日祝福、节日祝福或不定期发送营销信息。如您不想接到此类电话、微信或收到此类短信、邮件,可通过注明的退订方式进行退订或通过本隐私条款提供的方式联系我们,我们将不再对您进行回访或发送相应内容。

2.3.7 特定访问权限


通常情况下,我们会在以下场景中收集和使用您的如下权限:     存储权限:当您在APP中上传您设备中的图片、文件,或将画面、视频储存至您的设备中,或是获取APP资源时,需要您授权我们访问您的相册、文件存储权限。当您使用安卓设备时,需要您授权我们读取/写入设备外部存储的权限,包括读取外部存储读取/写入SD卡内容修改/删除SD卡内容     网络权限:当您使用联网功能时,需要您授权我们访问网络权限。   手机/电话状态访问权限:当您登录账号时,需要您授权我们访问您的手机/电话状态从而获取您的唯一设备识别码,从而能够更好地保障您的账号安全。     麦克风权限:当您使用语音功能时,需要您授权我们访问您的设备录音(麦克风)权限。     位置权限:当您开启了您的设备定位功能时,我们可能会获取访问您的位置权限,用于寻找附近的用户,以及能够更好地进行反作弊功能,保障您的账号安全。   剪贴板权限:当您使用分享功能时,实现与第三方应用之间的信息传输。


2.4   征求您同意的例外

根据相关法律法规及国家标准,以下情形中,我们收集、使用您的相关个人信息无需征求您的授权同意:     与我们履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;     与国家安全、国防安全等国家利益直接相关的;     与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;     与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;     出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产、声誉等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人授权同意的;     所涉及的个人信息是您自行向社会公众公开的;     从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;     根据您要求签订和履行合同所必需的;     用于维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,例如发现、处置产品或服务的故障;   法律法规规定的其他情形。



3.1   共享


3.1.1 向您提供我们的服务。我们可能向合作伙伴及其他第三方分享您的信息,以实现APP所必须的核心功能或服务。

3.1.2 维护我们服务的安全稳定运行。我们可能向合作伙伴及其他第三方分享您的信息,以帮助我们为您提供更安全及稳定的服务。

3.1.3 履行我们在本政策或我们与您达成的其他协议中的义务的目的。

3.1.4 向您提供第三方服务。 为了保障APP安全稳定运行并实现特定功能,或通过第三方应用商店提供我们APP的,部分服务由第三方提供。我们可能会在APP中接入该第三方的SDK并收集您的个人信息。该第三方SDK的名称、接入目的、收集的个人信息、隐私政策等具体情况详见《第三方信息共享清单》,前述第三方SDK收集和处理信息等行为遵守其自身的隐私条款,而不适用于本政策。为了最大程度保障您的信息安全,请您仔细阅读相关SDK隐私政策条款,了解对应SDK具体收集的用户信息及使用范围,以及其承担的法律责任。如您发现这等SDK存在风险时,建议您立即终止相关操作并及时与我们取得联系。
















[1] 百度短语音识别SDK






















3.1.5 向您提供广告推送服务。为了广告投放、评估等目的,我们可能会向广告主及其代理商等第三方合作伙伴共享您的部分数据,但我们仅会提供推广的覆盖面和有效性的信息,而不会提供可以识别您身份的姓名、电话号码或电子邮箱;或者我们将这些信息进行汇总,以便它不会识别您个人。比如我们可以告知该第三方合作伙伴有多少人看了他们的推广信息或在看到这些信息后购买了商品,或者向他们提供不能识别个人身份的统计信息,帮助他们了解其受众或顾客。

3.1.6 应您的需求,协助处理您与他人的纠纷或争议。

3.1.7 应您的法定监护人要求而提供您的信息。

3.1.8 根据与您签署的单项服务协议(包括在线签署的电子协议以及相应的平台规则)或其他的法律文件约定所提供。

3.1.9 出于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且其对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的。

3.1.10   法律法规规定的其他情形。


3.2   转让


3.3   公开披露


3.3.1 获得您明确同意后。

3.3.2 根据法律法规、国家标准、诉讼或政府部门强制性要求的情况下。

3.4   共享、转让或披露您个人信息的例外


3.4.1 为订立、履行我们与您签署的合同所必需。

3.4.2 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需,例如与国家安全、国防安全、与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的法定职责或者法定义务。

3.4.3 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护自然人的生命健康和财产安全所必需。

3.4.4 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理个人信息。

3.4.5 在合理的范围内处理个人自行公开或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息。

3.4.6 法律法规规定的其他情形。





4.1   查询您的个人信息

4.1.1 账号信息


4.1.2 APP历史信息


4.2   修改您的个人信息


4.2.1 对于您的部分个人信息,我们在相关的产品功能页面为您提供了修改的操作路径(例如:设置-个人信息),您可以在我们的产品/服务内对您的个人信息进行修改。

4.2.2 对于您在修改上述信息中遇到的困难,或其他目前无法向您提供在线自行修改服务的,或您可以通过客服联系我们,在验证您的身份后,我们会帮助您修改相关信息。但根据法律法规的要求,及处于安全性和身份识别的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提交的某些初始注册信息。

4.3   删除您的个人信息


4.3.1 本协议中声明的处理目的已实现、无法实现或者为实现处理目的不再必要。

4.3.2 基于同意处理您的个人信息,您撤回同意的。

4.3.3 个人信息存储期限已届满。

4.3.4 我们违反法律、行政法规或与您的约定收集、使用、存储您的个人信息。

4.3.5 我们违反法律、行政法规或与您的约定向第三方提供您的个人信息,我们将立即停止信息传输行为,并通知第三方及时删除。

4.3.6 我们违反法律、行政法规规定或与您的约定,公开披露您的个人信息,我们将立即停止公开披露的行为,并发布通知要求相关接收方删除相应的信息。

4.3.7 您不再使用我们的产品或服务,或您注销了账号的。

4.3.8 我们停止提供产品或者服务。

4.3.9 法律法规规定的其他情形。


4.4   撤回授权


4.5   账号注销


4.6   获取您的个人信息副本




5.1   在您使用我们的产品/服务时,我们可能会使用Cookie和同类技术收集您的一些个人信息,例如:您访问网站的习惯、您的浏览信息、您的登录信息,Cookie和同类技术收集该类信息是为了您使用我们的产品/服务的必要、记住您的身份、分析您使用我们服务的情况、向您提供更切合您个人需要的服务内容、保护您的信息和账号安全性、提升我们的产品/服务等。

5.2   如果您拒绝我们使用Cookie及同类技术收集和使用您的相关信息,您可在浏览器具备该功能的前提下,通过您的浏览器的设置来管理Cookie/或同类技术;或删除已经储存在您的计算机、移动设备或其他装置内的Cookie/或同类技术应用程序,从而实现我们无法通过相关手段追踪您的个人信息。您如需详细了解如何更改浏览器设置,请具体查看您使用的浏览器的相关设置页面。您理解并知悉:我们的某些产品/服务只能通过使用Cookie或同类技术才可得到实现,如您拒绝使用或删除的,您可能将无法正常使用我们的相关产品/服务或无法通过我们的产品/服务获得最佳的服务体验,同时也可能会对您的信息保护和账号安全性造成一定的影响。



6.1   个人信息的存储

6.1.1 根据相关法律法规,我们会将收集到的有关您的个人信息存储与中华人民共和国境内。如有必要进行跨境数据传输,我们会另外向您明确告知,并征得您的授权同意。未获得您的明示授权、或根据法律法规的明确规定、或相关主管机构的要求,我们不会将您的个人信息转移出境。

6.1.2 我们仅在实现服务目的所必需且最短的时间内或法律法规要求的期限内存储您的个人信息,如我们终止APP服务或运营的,及其他超出存储期限情形下,我们将及时停止继续收集您的个人信息,且在终止服务或运营后且法律规定的保存期限届满后对您的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。尽管如此,您行使删除权、撤回权、注销账号的或法律法规另有规定的除外。

6.2   个人信息的保护

6.2.1 我们会采用符合业界标准的安全防护措施,以防止信息的丢失、泄露、未经授权访问或不当使用。

6.2.2 我们通过建立保障个人信息安全的管理制度、流程和组织来管理规范信息的存储和使用。

6.2.3 我们仅允许有必要知晓这些信息的我们员工、合作伙伴访问您的个人信息,并为此设置了严格的访问权限控制和监控机制。

6.2.4 请您理解,由于技术的限制以及风险防范的局限性,我们无法保证信息的绝对安全。如果发生个人信息泄露等安全事件,我们会启动应急预案,阻止安全事件扩大。



7.1   我们期望父母或监护人指导未成年人使用我们的功能和服务,未经父母或监护人同意,未成年人不得创建自己的用户账户。我们将根据国家相关法律法规的规定保护未成年人的个人信息的保密性及安全性。

7.2   如您为未成年人,请您的父母或监护人阅读本个人信息保护政策,并在征得您父母或监护人同意的前提下使用我们的功能和服务或向我们提供您的信息。对于经父母或监护人同意而收集您的信息的情况,我们只会在受到法律法规允许、父母或监护人明确同意或者保护您的权益所必要的情况下使用或公开披露此信息。如您的监护人不同意您按照本个人信息保护政策使用我们的功能和服务或向我们提供信息,请您立即终止使用我们的功能和服务并及时通知我们,以便我们采取相应的措施。

7.3   如您为未成年人的父母或监护人,请您仔细阅读本个人信息保护政策。当您对您所监护的未成年人的个人信息处理存在疑问时,请通过本个人信息保护政策中的联系方式联系我们。

7.4   特别的,如您为不满十四周岁的未成年人(以下简称儿童),请在征得您父母或其他监护人同意的前提下使用APP内(包含我们和第三方)提供的功能和服务或向我们和第三方提供您的信息。对于经父母或其他监护人同意而收集您的信息的情况,我们除遵守本个人信息保护政策关于用户个人信息的约定外,还会秉持正当必要、知情同意、目的明确、安全保障、依法利用的原则,严格遵循《儿童个人信息网络保护规定》等法律法规的要求进行存储、使用、披露,且不会超过实现收集、使用目的所必须的期限,到期后我们会对儿童个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。如您的监护人不同意您按照本政策使用我们的功能和服务或向我们提供信息,请您立即终止使用我们的功能和服务并及时通知我们,以便我们采取相应的措施。



8.1  若您对本政策、您的个人信息的相关事宜有任何问题、意见或建议,请通过客服与我们联系。您也可以将您的问题发送至邮箱1364738145@qq.com[2] [庆宋3] 。我们将尽快审核所涉问题,并在15个工作日内予以回复。

8.2   您理解并知悉,在与个人信息有关的如下情形下,我们将无法回复您的请求:

8.2.1 与国家安全、国防安全有关的。

8.2.2 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的。

8.2.3 与犯罪侦查、起诉和审判等有关的。

8.2.4 有充分证据表明您存在主观恶意或滥用权利的。

8.2.5 响应您的请求将导致您或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的。

8.2.6 涉及商业秘密的。

8.2.7 法律法规等规定的其他情形。



9.1   根据国家法律法规及提供功能和服务、业务运营的需要,我们可能对本隐私政策进行部分或全部修订。修改后的内容将通过包括但不限于推送通知、弹窗形式、我们官方网站公告、APP内公告等方式来通知您。特别的,对于重大变更内容,我们还会提供更为显著的通知。

9.2   本隐私政策所指的重大变更包括但不限于:







9.3   您有权选择是否继续授权我们收集、处理和使用您的个人信息。请您在充分理解我们修改后的隐私政策的基础上,做出您认为适当的选择。若您不同意修改后的隐私政策,您有权并应立即停止使用我们的功能和服务。



10.1 本隐私政策的解释及争议解决均应适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律。任何因本隐私政策或我们处理您个人信息事宜引起的争议,您同意以向北京市通州区人民法院提起诉讼的方式解决。

10.2 如果您认为我们处理个人信息的行为损害了您的合法权益,您也可以选择向有关政府部门进行反映。

10.3 本隐私政策的标题仅为方便及阅读而设,并不影响正文其中任何规定的含义或解释。

10.4 为了保证用户把app切换到后台后再次切换回来时语音发送的网络连接能正常工作,app使用了自动启动app技术,用户同意本隐私协议意味着用户接受此app的自动启动。

 Privacy Policy

Update date: June 19, 2024

Effective date: June 19, 2024


Welcome to use the products and related services of Beijing Microplanet Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "us")!

We have established this Privacy Policy to enable you to understand how we collect, store, use, share, transfer, publicly disclose, delete your personal information, and the relevant rights you enjoy. We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information. Please carefully read this policy and make appropriate choices according to its guidelines. This policy is an integral part of the User Agreement, and any matters not covered shall be governed by the provisions of the User Agreement.


Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 How do we collect and use your personal information

3 How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

4 Your right to manage personal information

5 How do we use cookies and similar technologies

6 How do we store and protect your personal information

7 Our personal information protection for minors

8 Contact us

9 How to update this policy

10Dispute resolution

11 Definition and Interpretation




1 Introduction

1.1 Beijing Microplanet Technology Co., Ltd. has always attached great importance to the protection of personal information of users. When you use our services, we may collect and use your personal information. To this end, we explain to you through our Privacy Policy how we collect, use, share, store, and protect your personal information, as well as the methods we provide to manage this information. This policy is closely related to your use of our services. Before using our services, please carefully read and fully understand this policy, especially the terms highlighted in bold. After confirming your full understanding and agreement, make the choice you think is appropriate. If you have any objections or questions about the terms of this privacy policy, you can communicate with us through the contact information provided in "Contact Us".


1.2 If you are a minor under the age of 18 (especially a child under the age of 14), you need to read this policy with the accompaniment of your guardian. We have bolded the relevant clauses regarding the personal information of minors (especially children under the age of 14). Please read them carefully with your guardian. Minor users can only use our services after obtaining the consent of their guardians regarding this policy.


2 How do we collect and use your personal information

2.1 In accordance with laws and regulations, and following the principles of legitimacy, legality, and necessity, we collect information voluntarily provided by you during the use of services or arising from the use of services in the following ways, in order to provide you with, optimize our services, and protect the security of your account. If we are willing to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this privacy policy, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and obtain your consent again before use.

2.2 We collect and use your personal information in two types: the first type is necessary information for the core functions of our service, which is essential for the normal operation of the service. We suggest that you authorize us to collect such information. If you refuse to provide, you will not be able to use our services normally; The second type: Additional services may require information to be collected, which is information required for non core functions. You can choose whether to authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to provide it, it will result in the corresponding additional services being unable to be provided to you normally.

2.3 Normally, we will collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:

2.3.1 User registration, login, or authentication When you register or log in to our account, you need to complete the registration or login program. You need to provide us with your phone number and create your account, username (nickname), and password. Only by providing truthful and accurate information can you successfully register an account and use the core features of the product/service. If you choose not to provide the necessary information for implementing the core product functions mentioned above, it may result in us being unable to provide you with the core product functions.

2.3.2 Service usage During your use of our services, we will collect your log information and device information for the following purposes: When you use our services, we will collect your log information: login logs, operation information, friend information and interaction records, login account, ID, search and query content, IP address, browser type, telecommunications operator, network environment, language used, visit date and time, as well as your browsing history, refresh records, publish records, follow, bookmark and share. The above information will also be used for operational statistical analysis, customer service complaint handling, anti cheating analysis, and experience optimization and improvement. To ensure your normal use of our services, maintain the normal operation of the basic functions of the APP, enhance the experience, and ensure account security, we will receive and record the device information you use: device name, device type and version, device identifier (such as IMEI, IMSI, Android ID, OAID, Guid, IDFA, IDFV), system version, IP address, application ID, network type, sensor information, WiFi information (including WiFi list, BSSID, SSID, MAC address). When using our services, if you want to share your favorite content with third-party apps or log in or recharge, we need to determine whether a third-party app is installed in order to provide you with the correct functions. Therefore, we will read the list of installed apps to determine whether the third-party app is installed on your device or to provide you with login and recharge services. We may collect, store, and use the following information based on differences in mobile device systems: iOS system: device startup time (seconds), country, language, device name (MD5), system version, device machine, operator, physical memory, hard disk, system update time (seconds), device model, time zone, mn_id, device initialization time, to identify advertising effectiveness

2.3.3 Recharge and Consumption

When you make purchases in our app, we will collect your recharge records, consumption records, and other necessary information related to transactions for you to check transaction records and protect the security of your virtual items as much as possible. Recharge records and consumption records are sensitive information. Collecting the above information is necessary to achieve our consumption function, otherwise we will not be able to complete the transaction.

2.3.4 Communication and interaction After your authorization and consent, we will collect your geographical location information for searching nearby users. Geographical location information is sensitive information. Refusing to provide this information does not affect your normal use of our main services. You can also cancel your geographical location information authorization at any time. During your use of our services, when you post information or interact with other players through text, images, voice, video, or other means, we may collect the information you send for filtering and monitoring inappropriate content such as pornography, violence, politics, insults, malicious advertising, etc., to maintain a healthy online environment.

2.3.5 Delivery of goods or services

In some service projects, in order to facilitate the delivery of goods or services to you, you need to provide the recipient's personal identification information, name, delivery address, and contact phone number. If you refuse to provide such information, you will not be able to access the relevant services. If you order this service for someone else, you need to ensure that you have obtained their authorized consent before providing us with the aforementioned information about the subscriber.

2.3.6 Customer service If you contact our customer service, for the security of your account and system, we may require you to provide necessary personal information for identity verification. We will take technical and management measures as much as possible to ensure the security of your information and only use it within the necessary scope. We may also save your name, phone number, email or other contact information, your communication with us (including text/pictures/audio/video/call records), and other necessary information related to your needs in order to provide customer service to you. We collect this information to investigate the facts and help you solve the problem. If you refuse to provide the above information, we may not be able to provide you with timely feedback on the complaint, appeal, or consultation results. In order to better understand customer needs and optimize services, our customer service personnel may contact you through phone, QQ, WeChat, and other means to understand product usage, inquire about your usage opinions, or conduct follow-up visits for certain activities. We may also send birthday wishes, holiday wishes, or occasional marketing messages to you through SMS, email, and other means. If you do not wish to receive such phone calls, WeChat messages, or text messages or emails, you can unsubscribe through the indicated method or contact us through the methods provided in this privacy policy. We will no longer follow up or send you corresponding content.

2.3.7 Specific Access Permissions

You understand and agree that in the process of providing services, based on the functions and scenarios of the services, we may require you to enable specific access permissions to collect and use the information involved in these permissions. If you refuse to provide it, it will only prevent you from using that feature, but it will not affect your normal use of other features of the product/service.

Normally, we collect and use your following permissions in the following scenarios: Storage permissions: When you upload images or files from your device in the APP, or store images or videos on your device, or obtain APP resources, you need to authorize us to access your album and file storage permissions. When you use an Android device, you need to authorize us to read/write external storage on the device, including "read external storage", "read/write SD card content", and "modify/delete SD card content". Network permissions: When you use the networking function, you need to authorize us to access the network permissions. Mobile/Phone Status Access Permissions: When you log in to your account, you need to authorize us to access your mobile/phone status to obtain your unique device identification code, which can better ensure the security of your account. Microphone permission: When you use the voice function, you need to authorize us to access your device's recording (microphone) permission. Location permissions: When you enable your device location function, we may obtain access to your location permissions to find nearby users and better implement anti cheating functions to ensure the security of your account. clipboard permissions: Enable information transfer between third-party applications when using the sharing feature.


2.4 Exceptions for Soliciting Your Consent

According to relevant laws, regulations, and national standards, we do not need to seek your authorization to collect and use your personal information in the following situations: Related to our obligations under laws and regulations; Directly related to national security, national defense security, and other national interests; Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests; Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments; For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests such as life, property, reputation, etc., but it is difficult to obtain my authorized consent; The personal information involved is publicly disclosed by you to the public on your own; Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels; Necessary for signing and performing the contract according to your requirements; Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the provided products or services, such as discovering and dealing with faults in the products or services; Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.


3 How do we share, transfer, or disclose your personal information

3.1 Sharing

We usually do not share your personal information with other companies, organizations, and individuals without your consent or without other legal reasons. But in order to provide you with better services, we may share some of your personal information with third-party partners while adhering to the principles of legality, minimum necessity, and clear purpose. We share your personal information in the following situations:

3.1.1 To provide you with our services. We may share your information with partners and other third parties to achieve the core functions or services necessary for the app.

3.1.2 Maintain the safe and stable operation of our services. We may share your information with partners and other third parties to help us provide you with safer and more stable services.

3.1.3 The purpose of fulfilling our obligations under this policy or other agreements we have reached with you.

3.1.4 Provide third-party services to you. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the APP and achieve specific functions, or to provide our APP through third-party app stores, some services are provided by third parties. We may access the third-party SDK in the app and collect your personal information. The name, access purpose, collected personal information, privacy policy, and other specific information of the third-party SDK can be found in the Third Party Information Sharing List. The collection and processing of information by the aforementioned third-party SDK comply with its own privacy terms and are not applicable to this policy. To ensure the maximum security of your information, please carefully read the relevant SDK privacy policy terms, understand the specific user information and scope of use collected by the corresponding SDK, as well as the legal responsibilities it bears. If you find any risks with such SDKs, we suggest that you immediately terminate the relevant operations and contact us in a timely manner.

List of Third Party Information Sharing



Name, operator, access, destination, client, information collection and sharing method, privacy policy or official website

Alipay SDK Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. pays for Android IMEI/IMSI, SIM card serial number/MAC address, android_id, network information local collection https://opendocs.alipay.com/open/01g6qm

Baidu Short Speech Recognition SDK Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Voice to Text Android User Recording Machine Collection https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/Agreements/s/Kjwvy245m

Baidu Simple Message Service SDK Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Sends SMS Verification Code Android/iOS User Phone Number Local Collection https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/Agreements/s/Kjwvy245m

3.1.5 Provide you with advertising push services. For advertising placement, evaluation, and other purposes, we may share some of your data with third-party partners such as advertisers and their agents. However, we will only provide information on the coverage and effectiveness of the promotion, and will not provide a name, phone number, or email address that can identify you; Alternatively, we can summarize this information so that it does not identify you personally. For example, we can inform the third-party partner how many people have seen their promotional information or purchased products after seeing this information, or provide them with unidentifiable statistical information to help them understand their audience or customers.

3.1.6 Assist in resolving disputes or controversies between you and others according to your needs.

3.1.7 Provide your information at the request of your legal guardian.

3.1.8 Provided in accordance with the single service agreement signed with you (including online electronic agreements and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents.

3.1.9 When conducting statistical or academic research in the public interest and providing academic research or descriptive results to the public, the personal information contained in the results shall be de identified.

Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

We will only share your information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share information, requiring them to handle the information in accordance with our instructions, this policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

3.2 Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual except with your explicit consent. If it is necessary to transfer your personal information due to mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, we will inform you of the recipient's name and require the recipient to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. If the recipient changes the purpose and method of processing personal information as stipulated in this privacy policy, we will require the recipient to obtain your authorization and consent again.

3.3 Public Disclosure

We will only disclose your personal information under the following circumstances, and under the premise of adopting security rules that comply with industry standards:

After obtaining your explicit consent.

3.3.2 In accordance with laws and regulations, national standards, litigation, or mandatory requirements from government departments.

3.4 Exceptions to Sharing, Transferring, or Disclosing Your Personal Information

According to relevant laws and regulations, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to share, transfer, or disclose your personal information in the following situations:

3.4.1 is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract we have signed with you.

3.4.2 Necessary for fulfilling statutory duties or obligations, such as those directly related to national security, national defense security, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments.

3.4.3 It is necessary to respond to sudden public health emergencies or in emergency situations to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons.


3.4.4 Conduct news reporting and public opinion supervision for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable range.

3.4.5 Handle personal information that is publicly available or has already been legally disclosed within a reasonable range.

Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

According to legal regulations, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing personal information that has undergone de identification processing, and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re identify the information subject, does not constitute external sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing of such data will not require separate notice to you and your consent.

4 Your right to manage personal information

We understand your concern for personal information and respect your rights to personal information. We provide you with corresponding operational settings based on the product/service situation, so that you can exercise your personal information rights. Your rights include:

4.1 Checking Your Personal Information

4.1.1 Account information

You can contact customer service or search for the personal information you have provided us in the app (such as settings personal information), including account, profile picture, nickname, and other personal information you choose to fill in. The specific app settings function shall prevail.

4.1.2 APP Historical Information

You can check your app's historical information in the app, which is subject to product settings.

4.2 Modifying Your Personal Information

We encourage you to update and modify your personal information to make it more accurate and effective.

4.2.1 For some of your personal information, we provide you with a modification path on the relevant product function page (such as Settings Personal Information), and you can modify your personal information within our products/services.

4.2.2 If you encounter difficulties in modifying the above information, or if you are currently unable to provide online self modification services, or if you can contact us through customer service, we will help you modify the relevant information after verifying your identity. However, due to legal requirements and security and identity considerations, you may not be able to modify certain initial registration information submitted during registration.

4.3 Deleting Your Personal Information

If you wish to delete your personal information, you can contact us through customer service and submit a deletion request. We will verify your information and assist you in deleting it within 15 working days. In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information, except for anonymization or as otherwise provided by laws and regulations:

4.3.1 The processing purpose stated in this agreement has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or is no longer necessary to achieve the processing purpose.

4.3.2 Based on your consent to process your personal information, you have withdrawn your consent.

4.3.3 The personal information storage period has expired.

4.3.4 We collect, use, and store your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations, or agreements with you.

4.3.5 If we violate laws, administrative regulations or agreements with you to provide your personal information to a third party, we will immediately stop the information transmission behavior and notify the third party to delete it in a timely manner.

4.3.6 If we violate laws, administrative regulations or agreements with you by publicly disclosing your personal information, we will immediately cease such disclosure and issue a notice requiring the relevant recipient to delete the corresponding information.

4.3.7 If you no longer use our products or services, or if you cancel your account.

4.3.8 We stop providing products or services.

4.3.9 Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

Please note that if the personal information retention period stipulated by laws and administrative regulations has not expired, or if it is technically difficult for us to fulfill your request to delete some personal information, we may not be able to respond to your request to delete some personal information. However, we will not process the relevant information other than storing and taking necessary security measures. If you still wish to delete this portion of personal information, we suggest that you apply to delete all personal information or cancel your account.

4.4 Revoking Authorization

Some of the features of the products/services we provide require your relevant permissions to use the device (see Article 2 of this privacy policy for details). You can revoke (or stop) the continued authorization of that permission at any time after authorization (if you need to revoke the authorization, you can do it yourself in the mobile system settings, such as Settings - Applications - Permission Management). After you update the APP version, we will not change the permission status you previously set without your explicit consent. You can also permanently revoke all our authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account. You need to understand that after you withdraw your authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the specific product/service corresponding to the revocation of authorization. But your decision to revoke the authorization will not affect the personal information processing previously carried out based on your authorization.


4.5 Account Cancellation

Under the conditions stipulated in our service agreement and relevant national laws and regulations, you can apply for account cancellation in the "Settings" - "Account Cancellation" section of the application or contact customer service. We will verify your real name information and assist you in canceling your account within 15 working days of your application request. After the account is cancelled, all service information and data related to the account and under the single service will be deleted or processed in accordance with the service agreement of the single service, except as otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations or cancellation agreements.

4.6 Obtain a copy of your personal information


You can contact our customer service to apply for a copy of your personal information. We will verify your information within 15 working days and provide you with a copy of your personal information to be sent to your designated email address.


5 How do we use cookies and third-party services

5.1 When you use our products/services, we may use cookies and similar technologies to collect some personal information about you, such as your website visiting habits, your browsing information, your login information. Cookies and similar technologies collect this type of information for your necessary use of our products/services, remember your identity, analyze your use of our services, provide you with more personalized service content that meets your personal needs, protect your information and account security, improve our products/services, etc.

5.2 If you refuse us to use cookies and similar technologies to collect and use your relevant information, you may manage cookies and/or similar technologies through your browser's settings, provided that your browser has this feature; Or delete cookies and/or similar technology applications already stored on your computer, mobile device, or other device, so that we cannot track your personal information through relevant means. If you need detailed information on how to change browser settings, please refer to the relevant settings page of the browser you are using. You understand and are aware that certain of our products/services can only be implemented through the use of cookies or similar technologies. If you refuse to use or delete them, you may not be able to use our related products/services properly or obtain the best service experience through our products/services. At the same time, it may also have a certain impact on your information protection and account security.


6 How do we store and protect your personal information

6.1 Storage of Personal Information

According to relevant laws and regulations, we will store your personal information collected within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If it is necessary to conduct cross-border data transmission, we will clearly inform you separately and obtain your authorization and consent. We will not transfer your personal information out of the country without your explicit authorization, or in accordance with the explicit provisions of laws and regulations, or the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.

 6.1.2 We will only store your personal information for the shortest time necessary to achieve the service objectives or within the period required by laws and regulations. If we terminate the APP service or operation, or if the storage period is exceeded, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information and delete or anonymize your personal information after the service or operation is terminated and the legal retention period expires. However, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, you may exercise the right to delete, withdraw, or cancel your account.

6.2 Protection of Personal Information

6.2.1 We will adopt security measures that comply with industry standards to prevent information loss, leakage, unauthorized access, or improper use.

6.2.2 We manage and standardize the storage and use of personal information by establishing management systems, processes, and organizations to ensure the security of personal information.

6.2.3 We only allow our employees and partners who need to know this information to access your personal information, and have established strict access control and monitoring mechanisms for this purpose.

6.2.4 Please understand that due to technological limitations and risk prevention limitations, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information. If there is a security incident such as personal information leakage, we will activate emergency plans to prevent the security incident from escalating.





7 Our personal information protection for minors

7.1 We expect parents or guardians to guide minors in using our features and services. Without the consent of parents or guardians, minors are not allowed to create their own user accounts. We will protect the confidentiality and security of personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.


7.2 If you are a minor, please have your parents or guardians read this personal information protection policy and use our features and services or provide us with your information with the consent of your parents or guardians. For the collection of your information with the consent of your parents or guardians, we will only use or publicly disclose this information when permitted by laws and regulations, explicitly agreed by your parents or guardians, or necessary to protect your rights. If your guardian disagrees with your use of our features and services or provision of information to us in accordance with this personal information protection policy, please immediately terminate your use of our features and services and notify us promptly so that we can take appropriate measures.


7.3 If you are the parent or guardian of a minor, please carefully read this personal information protection policy. When you have any questions about the personal information processing of minors under your supervision, please contact us through the contact information in this personal information protection policy.


7.4 Special, if you are a minor under the age of fourteen (hereinafter referred to as "child"), please use the functions and services provided in the APP (including us and third parties) or provide your information to us and third parties with the consent of your parents or other guardians. For the collection of your information with the consent of parents or other guardians, in addition to complying with the provisions of this personal information protection policy regarding user personal information, we will also adhere to the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, security protection, and lawful use, strictly follow the requirements of laws and regulations such as the "Regulations on the Network Protection of Children's Personal Information" for storage, use, and disclosure, and will not exceed the period necessary to achieve the purpose of collection and use. After the expiration, we will delete or anonymize the personal information of children. If your guardian disagrees with your use of our features and services or provides us with information in accordance with this policy, please immediately terminate your use of our features and services and notify us promptly so that we can take appropriate measures.


8 Contact us

8.1 If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions regarding this policy or your personal information, please contact us through customer service. You can also send your question to your email 1364738145@qq.com . We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and provide a response within 15 working days.

8.2 You understand and acknowledge that we will not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances related to personal information:

8.2.1 Related to national security and national defense security.


8.2.2 Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests.

8.2.3 Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, and trial.


8.2.4 There is sufficient evidence to indicate that you have subjective malice or abuse of power.

Responding to your request will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations.


8.2.6 Involving trade secrets.

Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.


9 How to update this policy


9.1 According to national laws and regulations, as well as the needs of providing functions and services, and business operations, we may make partial or complete revisions to this privacy policy. The modified content will be notified to you through methods such as but not limited to push notifications, pop ups, announcements on our official website, and announcements within the app. Especially, for significant changes, we will provide more significant notifications.

9.2 The significant changes referred to in this privacy policy include but are not limited to:

9.2.1 Our service model has undergone significant changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information being processed, and the way personal information is used;

9.2.2 We have undergone significant changes in ownership structure, organizational structure, and other aspects. Changes in ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc;

9.2.3 Changes in the main objects and types of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure;

9.2.4 There have been significant changes in your right to participate in personal information processing and how you exercise it;

9.2.5 When there are changes in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information, and complaint channels;

9.2.6 When there is a high risk in the personal information protection impact assessment report.

9.3 You have the right to choose whether to continue authorizing us to collect, process, and use your personal information. Please make the appropriate choice based on a thorough understanding of our revised privacy policy. If you do not agree to the modified privacy policy, you have the right and should immediately stop using our features and services.



10 Dispute resolution

10.1 The interpretation and dispute resolution of this privacy policy shall be governed by the laws of mainland China. Any disputes arising from this privacy policy or our handling of your personal information shall be resolved by filing a lawsuit with the People's Court of Tongzhou District, Beijing.

10.2 If you believe that our handling of personal information has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you may also choose to report it to relevant government departments.

10.3 The headings of this Privacy Policy are for convenience and reading only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions contained therein.

10.4 In order to ensure that the network connection of voice transmission can work normally when the user switches the app to the background and back again, the app uses the automatic startup app technology. The user agrees that this privacy agreement means that the user accepts the automatic startup of the app.







